viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Day 5 without Facebook. Nothing special.

Go back to Day 1. Everything is just normal.

8 comentarios:

  1. This daily account of your feelings without facebook is interesting to me - I can relate to it. I want more. I know facebook has its perks so... maybe you could make a compromise and only spend... 30 minutes a day on facebook, divided into 15'-15', morning-evening? I hope you (I'm also addressing myself here :D) won't fall back into your facebook addiction/routine. Tell us how it goes.

    PS: That cooking 'comment' in a previous post was funny. :)

  2. Hi Irene, thank you very much for visiting this page :) Unfortunately I came back to Facebook today :( Maybe if you commented earlier I would have been more motivated to continue with this. In any case, I'll try not to waste so much time like before. Thanks for the advice with the minutes, I'll try to spend less time on Fb, but I can't keep to a program, I like freedom :)
    But, please tell me, I'm very curious, are you someone I know (you don't need to tell me who you are) or did you come across my blog just by hazard? I'm asking this because I'm quite new to this and I don't know if other people can find me or just my friends.

  3. Hey, Anniie, thanks for replying!

    I came across your blog because it was linked on facebook. [Did that answer your question? I'm not sure. But ahh, where's the beauty in knowing everything? :) Sometimes there's beauty in not knowing who our words might reach to and how they might influence others. This way, when the audience is so undefined, we will keep doing our best to refine our words ]

    I used to have a blogspot blog myself and in those times there were some settings as to who can find the blog in a google search. See if yours is set to show up in google search.

    But really, your posts on facebook were inspiring. They were short, but they genuinely showed how you felt. I am now trying (again :) ) to get rid of my fb addiction myself. Haven't logged in in some 24 hours. It's not much, but I'm determined. I'll be back for sure, my account is still there (I do have friends abroad who often send me messages there), but I want to not feel the "need" to constantly check what's new. I'm checking my Whatsapp App on the phone instead :)) but that needy feeling seems to be going away. And hey, I might start cooking any time soon as well! :D I'm sure my boyfriend would appreciate that. :) Really, this is a very common syndrome, the facebook addiction. And I'm glad I came across your blog, even though you've just started writing in here. We can do it, I'm sure.

    Sorry for my long babble. Have a sunny Sunday!

    1. Hi again Irene :) Thanks a lot for answering my question, it's suficient. I really want people to comment freely here, be it anonymously, partially anonymous or with their identity :) Just that sometimes my natural curiosity comes in the way.
      From my own experience, I think there are 2 ways of escaping Fb waste: you either erase it completely like I did these days, or you find other better things to do. Until some months ago I was so busy that I just didn't have the time to spend on Fb, but when I started to have more free time I got lost. Since I erased my account I had nothing else to do but to find some other occupations (for example cooking) and it was great. Now that I am back on Fb, I won't allow myself to get burried in it again, I made a decision, to include more activities in my day, and in that way I just naturally won't be able to waste so much time on Fb. It's the only way for me. The key, for me at least, is not concentrating on reducing my Fb time, but on doing other things I like, because there are tons of things I like, why do I neglect them?
      Do not say sorry for anything you write here, this blog is about Anything as I've said :)) and the attention-seeker in me is always happy when someone comments :))
      A sunny Sunday to you too!

    2. Oups, I mixed my google accounts, this one I use for Youtube, but I'm Anniie :))

  4. Well... we always have 24 hours a day.

    6 hours for various activity (to work, to study, to read, to pray...)
    2 hours to eat (lunch and dinner)
    1 hour for the care of the person (bath, shower, bodily demands)
    1 hour for the friendships out of the Web
    2 hours for the family
    6 hours to sleep
    5 hours and 50 minutes for Facebook
    10 minutes to think about our ugly life...

    1. hey Giancarlo, why do you say ugly life? the life you described is not ugly at all, even with that amount of Fb :))

  5. oh yeahhh...=D the problem will be when, one day, the connection will jump.
